Monday, April 29, 2013

Scene improvements (I hope!)

I've made a bunch of changes to my lil' scene today, hopefully to the better!

I have...

- Stolen the jackalope's flowers and scattered them around the scene.
- Changed the tree to make it look more elegant; the trunk is neater and the foliage has been rearranged, re-coloured and gifted with some transparency. I also added some falling "leaves" in the air and on the ground.
- Wrestled with Maya to add a ramp shader to the hill. It also has a paper texture overlaid on top.
- Created and textured some leafy fabric plant things to give the scene some more interest.
- Desaturated the bear a little bit, and went over it with a speckled brush to break up the solid colours.
- Added a third stone texture.
- Made some general layout improvements.

I also put some paper textures on top of that render; quite liking the result...

Next I want to make some nice renders of the creatures to go in the PDF.

Oh, and the bunny render issue seems fine now? No idea what's going on there. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. This is a super solution to the 3d scene. The transparency in the tree foliage works a treat and gives a much more light and airy feel.The ramp-shader is working effectively and the tree trunk is much more pleasing in shape. This has shown development from the previous render and the scattered flowers and falling leaves add a sprinkling of colour.
